Monday, June 29, 2015

Hell is hotter..

Wooooweee! Bamer is hot. Sticky and hot. It's so fun. One of the local churches had a sign on their fancy light up billboard that said.."It's hot outside...hell is hotter." Driving home from church today there was a nice gentlemen walking along the street with his black mesh t-shirt on. He has the right idea. I only with I was quick enough to have snapped a pic. My favorite thing to do in the heat is stand over my hot stove top. Here I made some pasta and Alfredo. The second best thing is to eat hot pasta outside in the heat. 
Stu put both of our tiny fans in the kitchen. It helps a little bit.
Here is what you wear whilst cooking in hot hotness and you want to look hot. Sweatband✔️lightest colored t-shirt(white)✔️and melty makeup✔️sometimes if your lucky the humidity will fog up your glasses while your hanging out in the balmy outdoors of southern Alabama.
Here's my two guys with their sweatbands workin hard!
Another fun thing is all the bugs! I especially love the Mosquitos!! Such little cuties always trying to hang. My kids love them too. Just look at what book Eleanor checked out from the library...
Oh the joys! Well, I'm off to start laundry before I melt. Have a blessed day!!❤️

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A few of my favorite and NOT favorite things..

Favorite: lego key holder
                                                 Favorite: rescuing turtles in the road
                       Fav: the creative things my kids make. Heres my mothers day jewelry they made
Not fav: creepy spiders. My kids stuck a square of duct tape to this tree, when I pulled it off..this creep was under it.
                                           Fav: the times I make a delicious breakfast(or Stu does)
Fav: the hammock
Fav: my flamingo sign that has faded pretty bad now.
                     Not fav. but a little fav: When Truman gets in bed with us. So squishy makes my back hurt everytime, but also he is a good little snuggler.
                         Fav/Not: all the bugs! Some are crazy cool, some not. Mosquitos are THE worst. This is not a real one on his face, but I could probably find one quick.
NOT fav: SNAKES. This is a copperhead. Moqui got bit by another one in our campsite. She didn't die. Just has a cool scar on her nose now.
Fav: Magnolia trees
Fav: Exploring and finding magical things like large footprints
Not fav: Spiders..again. This one is especially creeptastic.
Not fav: Moving camp spots every two weeks. Ughhhh 
Fav: My hydrangea bloomed this year!!!
Not fav: More spiders..can you see how long this daddy long legs legs are??? These guys dont bug me too much, their just everywhere.
          Not fav: Public showers. Other peoples hair and hair things all over. EW. Thank heavens for                                                                            flip flops.
Fav: my hammock chair(I've had since I was 15)also my leggings. Also my one super white leg.
Fav: Peoples reactions when they find out we live in a tiny trailer. This random guy came over to ask me about how to go about living here(one of my special children took some photos of the occasion for some reason)but look at his face ha! People either think we are totally crazy or super awesome. Pretty sure he thought I was cray hehehe

 Fav: The new and improved Riddle sign my kids made. Desert/Ocean/Mountains
Fav: My froggy friends
Fav: My garden
Aaaand NOT fav: Spiders one more time. This one was giant. Crawling super fast in the bathroom tryna kill me. Stu kilt it first tho. 
Have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Rain..rain..go away..

Seriously. It had been raining/cloudy/stormy for nine days straight. Makes for soggy,mildewy,puddly, muddy campsite. And a grumpy mom and children. Here you can see our beautiful waterfall. The grandeur!!!
Here's our fancy bridge over troubled water Stu assembled. 
He also put some pallets down in the kitchen area. Surprised no on broke their ankles,we kept falling through the wood slats. Sunday morning was torrential! We had flash flood warnings, a huge thunderstorm and tornado warnings. Luckily no trees fell on us or anything and we didn't murder eachother being stuck inside all day. The wind blew the top off my canopy.
Last night it finally cleared up and we walked down to the lake. It was a beautiful sight.
Today I will be basking in the sun along with these stinky wet shoes. Having a blest day!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


We put up a long dog run for Moqui when we got out here in between to trees, the full width of the campsite. Plenty of room to run and explore. But no, she wants freedom. She first chewed up her leash(that was hooked to a longer rope) to escape. Naughty!
So we decided to get her a harness that goes around her body, she can't chew that up right? Wrong. And there she is grounded in her kennel not even caring.
So finally we got a really long chain and she hasn't escaped since. We put Molly on a long line just staked into the ground. She is fine. She just wants to be wherever I am. But Moqui thinks it her job to free Molly, so she will grab Molly's rope(if it's in her reach) and frantically chew it loose for freedom. She has done this twice. Idiot. Other than that the dogs have been pretty good. Here they are enjoying a bath haha! Truman took this:)
She loves it so much!
Molly blends in nicely with the dirt.
Instead of lying on her nice cushion Moqui likes to choke/sleep as close as she can to us. She sleeps on the "couch" at night.
Molly sleeps at the end of our bed
Her favorite spot to sleep outside(this was when it was cold)is on the camping chair.
They like to go on walks..
And look for alligators..
The end. Have a blessed day! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Our Little Rolling Garden

I wanted to have a small garden out here and decided the best way to do it would be a pallet garden. I got one for free off the classifieds and then had the genius idea to put wheels on it so when we move campsites every two weeks it wouldn't be a pain to move. So my trusty husband put it all together for me:)
We put a million layers of weed cloth on the bottom and just stapled it to the wood. Then added the wheels!
Moving day! They rolled it the whole way! 
We planted strawberries, herbs and sprouts in the garden and we have a planter of kale and flowers. It's growing nicely!
Have a blessed day!!!!

Friday, March 20, 2015

The struggles...

Ava's homework says it all....
"I used to live in a house next to all my friends, but now I live in a trailer next to a bunch of old people. It was awesome, but now it's boring..." She is having a little bit harder of a time lately. I think it has to do with Eleanor and Truman finding friends out here their age, but there isn't anyone out here her age. And also she has had a lot of homework lately, plus the heat and Mosquitos that come with it, she is having a rough time. But you can see at the end she added "scratch that I just ran away from my homework and caught a lizard"(which is true except instead of a lizard it was a blue moth I don't know why she changed it)
We had a discussion last night on how it is hard to live out here but it is also a lot if fun. And we are doing a lot of things here that we couldn't/didn't in our house and that it's not forever and we need to make the best of it. I'm going to try to be more patient, because I know that just because I love it out here and see the beauty in it my kids are little and it's gotta be hard to for them to adjust to this change. By reading her homework I can tell she sees it too, and hopefully those are the things she will remember. And hopefully she will have a blessed day tomorrow.